日本での運転経験 (Driving Experience in Japan)







Hello, I am RG from the System Engineering Department Section 3.

It has been more than 1 year since I came to Japan. Initially, I frequently went on road trips with friends in their car. While enjoying the road trips, I also familiarized myself with the driving rules. Subsequently, I studied the rules in detail from a book. Although I possessed an international driving license, I was a little apprehensive about driving here due to the different regulations. Therefore, I decided to gain driving experience by attending a driving school. After that, I went on outings with a friend using a rental car and my international driving license. The first driving experience in a new place is always exciting.

In January 2023, I obtained my Japanese driving license after successfully passing the driving test here. Following that, I usually went out on weekends and holidays using a rental car. I believe having a license is very convenient for various activities. Even during Golden Week, I traveled to Kagoshima and Miyazaki with my friends by car for four consecutive days. During that time, I encountered various driving situations such as heavy rain, windy conditions, and foggy mountains.

I believe our self-confidence improved significantly through continuous practice. Now, I am confident in driving anywhere in Japan.